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Take a look at previous productions. Sometimes it is possible for shows to be re-mounted so please let us know if you are interested in any shows. You can also check out In Development and Touring Show pages.



Based on workshops undertaken with boys aged 9–11 on the theme of responsibility, Twist is a co-production with Kopergietery, Belgium. The show is about a boy attempting to fix his parents’ problems – and how his actions lead to even more trouble and confusion, and to some strange and scary encounters in the night…


The Snow Queen – Online

A brand new online show from NIE!


The Night of February 28th

A challenging, humorous and high octane show with a lot of music, with the murder of Sweden’s then-prime minister Olof Palme as a backdrop.


The Emigrants

Millions of young people are leaving Europe in the 19th century. Poverty, famine, wars and disillusioning political developments are forcing them to leave their homes. Mostly via Hamburg or Bremerhaven they cross the Atlantic Ocean, drawn towards the land of hope and glory which everyone is talking about. During their weeklong travel at sea, in […]

Tales from River Thames_Unai

Tales From the River Thames

The River Thames brought the world to London and London to the world. It leads to the countryside, out to the sea and cuts the city in half. The Unicorn Theatre and award-winning NIE have come together to create a magical show that brings to life the many mysterious and adventure-filled tales about what might […]


Tales From the Middle of Town

There is a shop – a big shop – in the middle of a busy shopping centre. But this shop doesn’t sell toys, or food, or mobile telephones – this shop sells stories. The show took you on a magical shopping trip with vampire shopkeepers, moody book-shop customers and Lilly’s first day at her glasses […]


Tales from a Sea Journey/HAV

NIE embarked on a transatlantic voyage on board the GMA-CGM Fort St Louis, a container ship en route from Le Havre in France to Guadeloupe in the West Indies.



An interactive audio experience that uncovers the secrets of past and present surveillance operations.


Snow White

Join our charmingly cheerful heroine as she escapes her hilariously homicidal stepmother with help from a family of feisty woods-dwelling, banjo-strumming, washboard-wearing vegans.


Pim and Theo

Two men were shot in cold blood on the streets of Holland. Victims of extremism, Theo Van Gogh and Pim Fortuyn weren’t afraid to make their opposing political views known. ‘Inspired by Ian Buruma’s book The Limits of Tolerance’ and incorporating sound and film design as well as live performance, four European theatre companies join […]


North North North

In 1897 three Swedish adventurers headed for the North Pole in a hydrogen filled balloon. Their aim was to explore new lands…


My Long Journey Home

Based on the true story of Andras Tomas, a Hungarian boy who was press-ganged into the Wehrmacht in 1942, taken to fight on the Eastern Front and then lost in Russia for 53 years…


My Life with the Dogs

Follow the story of 4 year-old Ivan Mishukov through his remarkable journey of survival living rough in Moscow as he flees his abusive house and seeks safety on the snowy streets.



In a town, by a big lake, there is a building. This building is not a block of flats, it’s not a hotel, nor is it a library, swimming pool or supermarket. It’s an orphanage. The building has got many rooms and many windows… In one of the rooms with a window facing into the […]


Instant Epic

Instant Epic is a project that started its life with an improvisation workshop in 2003. Over time it has turned – very slowly – into a show. It is an improvised performance of epic proportions, involving theatre-makers from different companies working with us to make instant theatre that is moving, funny, ridiculous and profound. Improvisation […]


Das Schiff

The old ship lies at anchor, directly below the Nibelungen Bridge in Linz. The paddlewheels are standing still, the chimney does not give off any clouds of smoke and usually there are no passengers on the deck. But if you approach close enough, you can hear it creaking, grating and grinding… They are still alive […]


Hanna & Heinz

Based on the true accounts of a Norwegian woman who married a German soldier during the Second World War.


Everything Falls Apart

Following the story of two boys smuggled into the UK hoping for a better life and one manʼs focused pursuit of justice at all costs.

YV TP, Rushey Green School, Dr Orange Dr Blue - ©HelenMurray-261

Dr Orange / Dr Blue

Working with three hearing impaired schools in London and the ‘Taking Part’ team at the Young Vic, Dr Orange/Dr Blue is a parallel production to Joe Penhall’s Blue/Orange.


Cabaret Europe

A partly improvised performance which focuses on today’s political situation in Europe.


Berlin 1961

13th August, 1961: the day that the GDR government shuts down the border, which until then had existed as more or less a permeable line. It begins with barbed wire, but before long there is a veritable wall separating families, lovers and friends.

Beauty And Beast Production_Mark Dawson Photography_DSC_8516

Beauty and the Beast

A rustic re-telling of the French classic fairy tale about love, family and being the bravest of all.


Around the World in 80 Days

Based on Jules Verne’s famous novel and combining clowning, live music, storytelling and an international ensemble, ‘Around the World in 80 Days’ takes you on a high speed, mad-cap, transcontinental, race against the clock.

Snow Queen_Production Shots_Mark Dawson Photography__DSC3702

The Snow Queen

Our brand new fairytale adaption The Snow Queen is brought from screen to stage.


Tales From the Edge of Town – Lockdown Archeologist Dig

Our co-creation project focused on lockdown in Cambridge.


Tales From the Edge of Town – Trumpington Lockdown Archeological Dig

Tales From the Edge of Town was back March 22


Tales From the Edge of Town – Project Recovery

A co-creation project in Cambridge looking at place and belonging.


Tales From the Edge of Town – Imagining the Future

A co-creation project asking children to imagine what the future would be like in 50 years.

Hotel Europa

Hotel Europa

A co-production with JES-Theatre in Stuttgart


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The project "NIE Theatre - Graphic design/branding" is financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU within the Creative Vouchers program by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

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